
Jobs Sites

Jobs, Employment

· Don’t pay a fee upfront. Most legitimate employment agencies don’t charge unless they actually succeed in getting you a job, and often it’s the new employer who pays.

· Be cautious about emails offering help getting a job. Many unsolicited emails are fraudulent.

· Know exactly what services are being offered. The company may only provide advice or help writing a resume. Some fraudulent employment services simply sell lists of companies that they have gotten from public directories. They may not have contacted those companies directly or know if there are really any job openings.

· Document all promises. Print out the information so you can prove what you were promised.

· Be wary of promises to help get you a government job. If a test is required, the government usually conducts it. No employment service can guarantee that you’ll qualify for a government job or arrange to get you special treatment.

· Money-back guarantees may not be worth the paper they’re written on. Fraudulent employment services will use an endless string of excuses for why you’re not entitled to a refund.

· Do your own research. Use the public library, newspapers, the Internet, and your state employment office to find the job that’s right for you.

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